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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 9, Sick, Super Pudding and Super Wraps

So I've been half assing the last few posts as well as half assing my overall original plan. I've unfortunately been sick and so I searched the internet for a possible diagnosis. I have discovered my affliction, and it pains me to say I have been infected with fuckarounditis (see yest. post). In light of this discovery, I decided to try the suggested treatment.

To not fuck around whatsoever.

So yesterday I designed a completely new workout, and a new eating strategy (which actually i've done for three days now and its going great).


Workout everyday in fasted state, where I do a dumbbell compound circuit 3x 8 and weighted chins 3 days and the other 4 involve a run and High Octane Cardio, which is working out while doing cardio. My goal is to now lose as much fat as possible and minimize muscle loss to the best of my ability. Thats it, simple as that, workout everyday and strategically place high carb, high protein meal after each workout

Example day one
Lift day
45 lb db's
-military press
-incline chest
-standing bent over rows
-good mornings
followed by
3x5 weighted chins
Where my goal is to at least stay around relative strength
Cardio day
15 minute run
15 minutes HOC
-elliptical, every 1 minute get off and do 3 reps standing military each arm
total 45 reps each arm

My hope is that there will be an adaptation to fat oxidation due to working in fasted state, as well as achieve more human growth hormone output due to lactic acid buildup from circuit as discussed in this article

Lactic acid buildup produces a human growth response which has an anabolic (muscle promoting) AND catabolic (fat oxidation) effect (HGH does these things that is). HGH tends to be released more when insulin is low as well so potential synergistic effect from fasted state and exercised induced. However to my knowledge there is no research whatsoever supporting what I am doing, and my hypothesis (or hope-othesis in my case) that heavy cardio and weight lifting will help for quick weightloss (hopefully mostly fat).


My eating strategy will go as follows.
1)Immediate post workout shake
(1/2 scoop whey, 1/2 serving chocolate syrup and water ~125 cals)
to capitalize on post workout ~60 minute window(window because ideal hormones are high from exercise (HGH, testosterone, IGF-1, glucagon, low insulin etc.). This will switch my body over from catabolic state (breaking down muscles into amino acids which are then converted to glucose due to depleted glycogen stores a process called gluconeogenesis) to an anabolic state (glycogen stores quickly being synthesized -between the liver stores and muscles there is approximately 1000 calories so a high amount of carbs in this window is ideal).
For the past three days I have been making whey pudding each morning with added chobani greek yogurt and milk. This is a decent tasting meal that is easily digested.
-small box pudding - ~ 360 cals /~90 carbs
-3 scoops whey- 420 cals/ 10 carbs/ 80 grams protein
-cup milk- 110 cals/ 10 carbs/8 g protein
-chobani 100 cals/20 carbs/10 g protein
Very filling meal at this timing will potentially allocate nutrients well (glycogen stores, muscles, limited fat)
3) Super Wrap
Found these tortillas that have 32 carbs with 26 g fiber which is a damn good ratio. With added cheese, topping - small amount blue cheese, deli ham/turkey, chicken nuggets(ideally chicken breasts, white meat)
I make two of them totaling at about 1500 calories. I eat one after whey meal.

-So first shake AT gym, immediately (sometimes during, towards end) following workout
-Super Pudding (all)
-1 Super wrap
-last wrap, with some type of fruit/ veg on the side right before bed.
             The logic behind this is Human Growth Hormone is produced within the first three hours of sleep so potential amino acids from super wrap will be allocated in the proper areas due to this and other hormones.

So there. No more effin around, and this mornings weigh in
Bringing me back to a net of (-2) since the start. Hopefully will reach my goal of 150 while maintaining strength.

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